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Lawn Care Basics

Lawn care involves many steps. The basic tips include weed control, fertilization, overseeding, and mowing.

Local lawn services can perform more advanced tasks such as soil testing, lime applications to correct imbalanced soil pH levels, and preventative fungicide treatments to prevent diseases that attack turfgrass. They can also apply nematodes to kill grubs. Contact LTP Property Maintenance now!

The appearance of weeds in a yard can detract from the beauty of your lawn. They can grow rapidly, crowd out grass, and take up valuable space. They can also compete for water and nutrients with your desired plants. For these reasons, weed control is important for any lawn care program.

There are several methods of weed control, ranging from manual to chemical to biological. Some physical methods such as tillage, hoeing, hand pulling and mowing physically disrupt or cut off weed growth. Others involve covering the weeds with something to smother them. Mulching with wood chips, gravel or a thick layer of shredded newspaper will prevent light from reaching weeds. Plants such as comfrey are said to produce root exudates that inhibit weed growth.

Chemical control uses synthetic chemicals to kill or suppress weeds. These chemicals are manufactured in laboratories and don’t occur naturally, so they can’t break down or be degraded by the environment. Synthetic herbicides also can have negative impacts on the environment and human health if not used properly. Non-selective herbicides will kill any plant they come in contact with, including turfgrass. Selective herbicides will only kill the weeds you want to get rid of.

If you choose to use chemical weed control, make sure it’s applied when the weeds are at their worst – usually in the late spring. It’s also a good idea to apply a pre-emergent weed control product in the fall to prevent weeds from sprouting the following spring.

Organic weed control involves the use of natural products to kill or suppress weeds. These products are derived from plants or animals and contain no synthetic chemicals. They can be mixed with water or spread as a spray on the surface of the soil. Examples of organic weed control products include corn gluten meal, sorghum meal, wood ash and compost.

The best weed control is prevention. Maintaining a thick, healthy stand of turfgrass can out-compete weeds by denying them sunlight and water. But if you have bare spots or areas of weak grass, weeds will still creep in and take over. This is why a well-planned integrated weed management system is so important. A plan should include weed suppression using cultural practices, nutrient management, and the correct timing of herbicide treatments.


Lawns require a lot of nutrients to grow healthy and vibrant. These nutrients can be naturally depleted through regular mowing, watering, and even natural processes, so fertilization is a critical part of lawn care. There are three primary nutrients that lawns need to thrive: nitrogen, phosphorous, and potassium (commonly referred to as NPK).

Lawn fertilization helps replenish these essential nutrients in the soil. It also promotes healthy root growth, which means that your grass is less likely to be susceptible to weeds and diseases.

When choosing a fertilizer, look for one that has a balanced ratio of these essential nutrients. A lab soil test can help determine the best N-P-K ratio for your lawn, and a reputable fertilizer manufacturer will include this information on the product label. For example, a fertilizer labeled 25-10-15 will contain 25% nitrogen, 10% phosphorous, and 15% potassium.

A good fertilizer will also contain micronutrients, such as sulfur, copper and iron. These nutrients are not as common as nitrogen, phosphorous and potassium, but they are just as important to the health of your grass.

Most experts recommend fertilizing at least twice a year, once in the spring and once in fall. If you live in a warm-season climate, it may be necessary to add an additional application during the summer.

When applying fertilizer, water it thoroughly to ensure that the grass roots get the nutrients they need. It is also important to avoid applying it too close to waterways, as this can lead to runoff and pollute the environment.

If you have a rotary spreader, choose a fertilizer with uniform particle sizes to ensure that it is distributed evenly across the surface of your lawn. This will help prevent dead spots and promote a more beautiful, uniform lawn.

A healthy, thriving lawn contributes to the beauty of your home or business, and it can even increase the value of your property. Follow these tips and resources to help you achieve your dream lawn!


A lush, healthy lawn adds to a home or business’ curb appeal. It’s also a great play area for kids and dogs, but it takes regular care to maintain. Lawn care services include mowing, chemical spraying, fertilization and weed control. They may also aerate or overseed the lawn, which is important for keeping it healthy. Other services are pest control, fungicide treatments, and lawn disease prevention and treatment.

Mowing is one of the most popular lawn maintenance services. Landscapers know the proper mowing technique for different types of grass, and they use the right tools to get the job done quickly and effectively. They also know how often your lawn should be mowed, based on the season.

When grass is in full growth mode during the spring and summer, it may need to be mowed weekly or even twice a week. If you don’t keep up with mowing, it can make your yard look shaggy and untidy. It can also lead to weeds, as the seeds will have more opportunity to grow and spread.

It’s important to have sharp mower blades so the grass gets clean cuts and doesn’t have jagged edges, which can be a breeding ground for diseases and insects. Lawn care professionals will check the blades regularly and change them out when they’re dull.

Over time, mowing a lawn and bagging the clippings can use up nutrients in the soil. A regular fertilization schedule, starting in the spring and ending in mid-autumn will help keep your lawn healthy.

Fungicide treatments can prevent and control many different types of fungi that infiltrate turf. Fungicides are especially effective in controlling fungi that can cause serious lawn diseases, such as leaf spot and brown patch.

A thorough lawn care program will also include aeration, which improves nutrient, water and air flow to the roots of your lawn. It’s also a good idea to overseed the lawn to fill in bare spots and improve density. Then, you’ll have a greener, healthier-looking lawn that’s more resistant to weather, use and pests. If you’re interested in learning more about lawn care and how it can enhance your property, contact a professional lawn care service in your area today.


Lawn care includes the proper watering of grass and other plants to keep them hydrated. The best time to water is early in the morning when temperature and humidity are lowest. If your lawn or garden suffers from excessive water stress, you may notice wilting or yellowing foliage. This problem typically occurs due to overwatering or uneven irrigation, and is often corrected by adjusting the watering schedule and improving drainage.

If your lawn soil is clay-based, you may need to water it three times a week. Sandy soil, on the other hand, holds water well and needs less frequent watering. Lawns with loamy soil can usually get by with watering one or two times a week. A lawn’s watering schedule should also be adjusted depending on the season. During hot, dry periods, you should increase watering frequency, and during rainy seasons you can decrease it.

Water-saving techniques, such as upgrading your irrigation system to a smart controller that automatically adjusts the schedule based on weather conditions and soil moisture sensors, can greatly reduce your landscape’s water consumption. Other factors, like mowing at higher heights and using fertilizer with a lower nitrogen content, can also help reduce the water needed to maintain your landscape.

Another important part of the lawn care process is weed control. Weeds can take over your turf if you don’t keep them under control. To control weeds, you must use a combination of weed killers and consistent gardening upkeep.

Lawn care services also include fungicide treatments, which are applied to prevent and manage turf diseases that can destroy your grass. These fungicides are typically spread on the ground using a sprayer or granular formulation.

A professional lawn care company will use a combination of these strategies and more to create a healthy, beautiful lawn that complements your home’s exterior. They will have experience working with different turf types, as well as treating a variety of pests that can invade and damage your landscaping. In addition, they will have a comprehensive knowledge of regional weather patterns, including seasonal climate variations.


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